Our Coaching and Mentoring Services are focused on:
- Start-up Founders (Non-funded)
- Funded Start-ups – Founders and Sales Professionals
- Solopreneurs
- Sales Professionals
Our Transformative Coaching engagements are driven based on the model presented below.
6-Point Program, Personalised & Contextualised

- Number of Sessions: 12
- Engagement Period: 3 to 4 months
- Additional Offline Activities/ Support: 8 hours
- Limited period offer:
- US $ 960. (20% discount on US$ 1,200)
- Rs. 76,800. (20% discount on Rs. 96,000)
- View complete details: Click here. (Link to PDF file)
Please refer to “Recent Projects” and “Start-up Engagements” under About Us for more details on the various coaching projects we have worked on.
If you you’d like to register for the Coaching Journey, but have some clarification questions in your mind, please reach out by filling up the form below: